In the Tao there is a saying somewhat to the effect of “Let Peace/God/Love find you.” It corresponds in my mind to the idea of “Be Still and Know.” So often it seems as though we forget to slow down enough to experience the (connected) Self.
I had been reminded of this idea by a simple flower that had grown up in the dirt alongside a curb. It was spring or summer and the flower, maybe a violet or a dandelion, had grown in just this small bit of soil, right on a busy street. In the hustle of my life, stopped at a light, I smiled to see this little token of beauty.
With two teenagers in the house, I don’t often experience the quiet or peace required to remember that connected self. Yet, what that flower reminded me to do was to find that beauty anywhere it is given and with whatever moments we have.
When was the last time you saw the beauty in the night sky or a bird in flight? When was the last time you took a big deep breath and felt your soul’s connection to itself and to something greater?