As Quillen Shinn rode into the Grove in the very late 1800’s, he had no way of knowing that the sanctuary amongst the trees would be the resilience center of our lives.
His vision has fed our spirit through world wars and regional wars, Great depression and recurring recessions, the 1918 Flu, AIDS, and recurring rounds of contagious diseases. We have come to rely on the restorative powers of the seaside communities of Ferry Beach. We have moved through each crisis, living with universal love, acting on hope, and embracing joy in our relations. Between crises, we restore our lives with the many amazing joy filled community gatherings. We have developed remarkable friendships and long-lasting interconnections.
Today we face the COVID 19 outbreak. Ferry Beach is preparing to survive this crisis. We are planning for future events while we make the necessary decisions in response to the contagious nature of the disease. Decisions must be made as we move forward, and uncertainty is part of the process. The Board and Staff are actively following this fast-changing situation. Decisions are made as they are needed and changed if the situation requires. We promise we will keep you informed as we work through this most difficult time.
We appreciate the love, patience and support offered by members. Working together we will sort out what to do next, for the short term and the long term.
Pay attention. Share your gratitude.
Love like you mean it.
Marty Burgess, Board President, Ferry Beach Retreat & Conference Center,
Oh, how I needed this. Thank you, Marty, for your words of wisdom, of hope, of encouragement.
Beautifully said, Marty. Thanks to you and the staff for caring for our beloved home. We’ll ride it out as a community and come back stronger.
Marty, thanks for your words and all your efforts. Stay Healthy!
Thank you, Marty.
Keep us posted.
Let us know how we can help Ferry Beach weather this storm of uncertainty
and move forward in love and joy.