On that first Saturday of their conference at Ferry Beach, when children’s faces see one another after a year apart, their delight is infectious. The magic that is Ferry Beach is palpable in the hugs of friends, in the retreats of church members, in the discovery of something created when voices blend, or children play. […]
Board Approves Mission Statement
In its November meeting, the board approved the working mission statement: “Ferry Beach awakens hearts to explore, grow and renew the spirit of universal love.” Ferry Beach will accomplish its mission through one of six tools or buckets: arts & culture, education, spirituality, sustainability, personal growth and justice & action. The board will present this […]
Transforming Our Mission Statement
This is the draft of our mission statement from the board and staff work on strategic planning and growth. We know mission statements are meant to be clear, concise and provide a strong sense of direction and value. We also know we will be providing a legacy statement regarding our founding, history and our values. […]
Looking Ahead…Beach Keepers Training in Summer 2016
Our new volunteer program is called Ferry Beach Keepers! In order to become a Beach Keeper, you need to be either a sustaining donor or a donor of at least $180 a year as well as be a member of Ferry Beach and take the Beach Keeper training. (2-3 hours). We will be offering […]
Not for Members Only, Part 2
Why a membership fee? Many of you know that Ferry Beach is a 501c3 organization. As a not for profit organization, we have some obligations we must meet and maintain. One is in the area of governance. There are a couple of ways that not for profit organizations form and then practice governance. Some […]
Not for Members Only, Part 1
If you have visited Ferry Beach in the last three years you know we have added Morris Cottage, the Metz cabins and Claflin Cottage to our summer rentals. This summer, the home formerly owned by Ray Hopkins, will also be available. With four bedrooms, two of which are ADA and two that are accessible, these […]
The Walk of Angels
In the stair-step line of children in the Polaroid, the fourth boy in line, probably not much more than six years old wears a red suit coat jacket and short pants. The three other boys, ahead of he and I in the line, are wearing brown or black jackets. All the girls are wearing dresses. […]
Joys and Concerns
“If here you have found freedom take it with you into the world. If you have found comfort, go and share it with others. If you have dreamed dreams, help one another, that they may come true! If you have known love, give some back….” (Lauralyn Bellamy from Singing the Living Tradition) In the comments […]
The Light of Change
“I am open and I am willing To be hopeless would seem so strange It dishonors those who go before us So lift me up to the light of change.” (“I Am Willing,” Holly Near) The last of the Ferry Beach flags have been taken down and the water drained from the pipes underneath Rowland, […]
Living with the Lights On
The medium places her hand on the raging woman’s head, “You have to remember; you have to remember! You told me what you wanted for your life, for your children’s lives, you must fight for yourself from the inside.” It is the only redemptive scene in the movie in so many ways. I hate scary […]